
Dissertations : [82] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Interpreting brain activation by pattern classification and connectivity analysisKonar, Amit; Dewan, Dipayan
2019Effect of non-rigid hybrid demons registration on medical video contentChaudhuri, Sheli Sinha; Mondal, Abhijit
2019Design of soccer player to find distance and angle on khepera platform using extended kalman filterKonar, Amit; Tipu Sultan
2019Scope of optimization in identification of gene regulatory networkRakshit, Pratyusha; Biswas, Dipanjan
2019Computation of centroids for interval type-2 fuzzy membership functionsKonar, Amit; Bhar, Mayurika
2019Guiding particle dynamics in PSO algorithm using lyapunov functionsKonar, Amit; Roy, Desilva
2019Simulation of teleoperation and interaction control of serial robot manipulator employing ROS based modular approachBarai, Ranjit Kumar; Adhikari, Abhra
2019Automatic detection of polyps from endoscopic imagesChaudhuri, Sheli Sinha; Adhikari, Mou
2019An approach to analyze EEG characteristics: saccade, fix and blinkPanigrahi, Narayan; Konar, Amit; Roy, Somnath
2019Processing of EEG for detection of saccade and fix by eliminating blinkPanigrahi, Narayan; Konar, Amit; De, Amarnath
2019Decoding of brain waves by causality and deep learning based analysis with external perturbationsKonar, Amit; Chowdhury, Abir
2019Fuzzy decision sciences for control and brain-signal decodingKonar, Amit; Zeeshan Qadir
2019Innovations in fuzzy control and brain inspired computationKonar, Amit; Chowdhury, Eashita
2019Evolutionary optimization approach for optimal EEG feature selection for effective cognitive task classificationRakshit, Pratyusha; Roy, Mousumi
2019A brain computer interface approach to investigate brain activation pattern during analysis of visual aestheticsKonar, Amit; Basu, Suparna
2019Novel adaptive statistical method-CNN synergism based two-step WCE image segmentationChaudhuri, Sheli Sinha; Mandal, Shibarjun
2019Hybridization of differential evolution with bacterial foraging optimization technique for enhance optimizationRakshit, Pratyusha; Das, Saumyadeep
2019Optimization of a multi-dimensional problem by an artificial bee colony algorithm with a neighbourhood mutation operatorRakshit, Pratyusha; Sen, Arnab Kumar
2019Design and analysis of probe-fed cylindrical dielectric resonator antennaBiswas, Manotosh; Patra, Anusri
2019Artificial neural network based feature selection techniquesChoudhari, Sheli Sinha; Kundu, Parikshit
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82