
Dissertations : [70] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 70
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Biodiesel production from crude and waste soyabean oil with its combustion analysis in a VCR diesel engine: a comparative studyRoy, Prokash Chandra; Kumar, Raushan
2022The measurement and analysis of drag force on moving vehicleModak, Nipu; Sharique Ahmad
2022Pre-stressed dynamic simulation of truck chassisPatra, Siddhartha; Bhattacharyya, Shouryasarathi
2022Reduced order modeling of combustion in SI engineSen, Swarnendu; Kumar, Ajit
2022Performance analysis and range extension of e-bike and e-rickshaw for indian road conditionMukhopadhyay, Achintya; Singh, Biku Kumar
2022Thermal analysis of engine wall using variational iterative methodKundu, Balaram; Anand, Anurag
2022Mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical channel with different shapes of protrusions at wallsSarkar, Sandip; Kumar, Sumit
2022Turbulent flow behaviour of non-newtonian fluid impinging jets over flat plates with periodic heat flux boundary condition.Simlandi, Sudip; Sarkar, Sandip; Karn, Rajat
2022Impact force analysis of functionally graded material plate using finite element methodBandyopadhyay, Tanmoy; Mondal, Salamat
2022Study of reverse logistics of End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) in automotive industries and field study for exploring the potential of NRPW in co-processingGhosh, Sadhan Kumar; Kumar, Abhishek
2022Study of the utilization of waste tyres & li-ion batteries from elv in automotive industries and nrpw through co-processing in cement plants as an alternative fuels & raw (AFR) materials promoting circular economyGhosh, Sadhan Kumar; Sardar, Subir
2022Management of thermal runway in batteries using phase change materialMukhopadhyay, Achintya; Sarkar, Sourav; Banerjee, Siddhartha
2022Thermal management of lithium-ion battery pack using air cooling methodSarkar, Sourav; Khatua, Suranjan
2022Stress analysis of pin jointed quadruped robotAcharaya, Sanjib; Chowdhury, Bijan
2022Development of selective catalytic reductant (SCR) controller and diagnostic requirement of aftertreatment system for mid-range CPCB-IV genset engineParambath, Ashwyn V; Roy, Prokash Chandra; Das, Sourav
2022Modeling and performance analysis of an active suspension systemSarkar, Susenjit; Debnath, Nilarghya
2022Design and validation of test rig for freight and road transport containerKarmakar, Amit; Das, Apurba; Jamadar, Ajahar
2022Numerical study of double diffusive mixed convective phenomena in a square enclosureManna, Nirmal Kumar; Biswas, Nirmalendu; Yadav, Chandan Kumar
2022Finite element modelling and nano-mechanical characterization of electroless alloy coatingsMajumdar, Gautam; Tarik Hassan
2022Design and optimization of horizontal pressure vessel using FEM analysisMandal, Samar Chandra; Modak, Nipu; Gupta, Arohi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 70