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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Supplier selection in textile industries using integrated multi-criteria decision making approachesChakraborty, Shankar; Paul, Vivek Kumar
2022Performance analysis of photogrammetry technique in 3d model reverse engineeringSarkar, Soumya; Haldar, Binay
2022Experimental investigation on surface finish during electrochemical milling of Ti6Al4VBhattacharyaa, Bijoy; Biswas, Pritam
2022Postural analysis of different farming positions in dubrajpur, bankura, west bengalBanerjee, Debamalya; Banerjee, Subhadeep
2022A comparative study on predictive modeling of electrical discharge machining processesChakraborty, Shankar; Dey, Kumaresh
2022Local path planning of a mobile robot using laser range sensor based on modified point bug algorithmDebnath, Subir Kr.; Singha, Bishwadeb
2022Online path planning of a mobile robot using laser range sensor based on an improved e-bug algorithmDutta, Ajoy Kumar; Adhikary, Sourav
2019Experimental Investigations Into Electro-Discharge Drilling Of Al2o3 Using Assisted Electrode MethodSarkar, Biplab Ranjan; Upadhyay, Rohit Kumar
2019Design And Development Of A Portable Security Sytem For A BicycleSarkar, Soumya; Maity, Anirban
2019Parametric Analysis Of Laser Trepan Drilling On Monel K-500Kuar, Arunanshu Shekher; Biswas, Bitab
2019Design And Development Of Hypercube 3d PrinterDutta, Ajoy Kumar; Sarkar, Soumya; Ray, Saket Kumar
2019A Study Of Reliability Based Optimum Selection Of Sand ControlSarkar, Bijan; Mandal, Prabir Kumar
2019Big Data Analytics in Effective Inventory ManagementSarkar, Bijan; Das, Debashish
2019Applications Of Data Mining Tools In Machining ProcessesChakraborty, Shankar; Agarwal, Subham
2019Experimentation on multi-wires electrochemical machining (mwecm) for fabrication of micro featuresBhattacharyya, Bijoy; Maity, Sovan
2016Online path planning of a mobile robot with an ultrasonic range sensor using e-bug algorithmDutta, Ajoy Kumar; Basir, Ahmed
2016Online path planning of mobile robot for obstacle avoidance using artificial potential field method with the help of ultrasonic range sensorDebnath, Subir Kumar; Pal, Prasenjit
2016Study of an automated guided vehicle (AGV) system through reverse engineeringSaha, Jyotirmoy; Sanyal, Subir Kumar; Salman, Hossain
2016Machining processes selection - a case-based reasoning approachChakraborty, Shankar; Boral, Soumava
2016Study of inventory classification under a utopian environmentSarkar, Bijan; Dhar, Ananda Rabi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23