: [7]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Evaluation of reliability, availability and maintainability of a printing press | Pal, Arun Kiran; Kar, Avijit |
2019 | Comparative analysis of algorithm for embedding information on QR code | Mandal, Mahasweta; Misra, Ishita |
2019 | Exploring the scope of halftone features towards detection of crack in concrete blocks | Chatterjee, Arpitam; Ayushman |
2016 | An approach to enlarge image using different interpolation technique and Quantification of the image | Pal, Kanai Chandra; Md Mahfuz Mollah |
2016 | An approach to identify the originality of the product by matching the barcode with the database after extracting the barcode from a superimposed mesh | Paul, Kanai Chandra; Baidya, Aakash |
2016 | Halftone based approach towards show-through Removal of scanned document images | Chatterjee, Arpitam; Sinha, Sourav |
2016 | Study on potential of binary artificial bee colony (bABC) algorithm for optimizing the structuring element towards degraded document image restoration | Chatterjee, Arpitam; Sengupta, Sebanti |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7